Saturday, November 12 9:00am - 11:55pm
This year’s tournament will take place on Saturday, November 12th, 2016.
Tournament tickets are $50 (plus fees) and include tournament entrance, a commemorative mug, sticker and poster, and are available through EventBrite.com, by following the link provided above.
VIP tickets have sold out. More information regarding free play tickets coming soon.
New to this year, there will be two qualifying times.
Morning Qualifying will begin at 10 a.m.
Afternoon Qualifying will begin at 1 p.m.
Once again, the top 24 qualifiers will make the A Bracket Finals, to be held in La Margarita. The tournament format, as well as rules and expectations, will be posted here closer to the date of the event.
Also new to this year’s event will be the inclusion of the PinVault, a literal vault on the second floor of the building, where a collective of pinball buddies have filled it with pinball machines. The PinVault will host the B Bracket Finals, a head-to-head format tournament with a four person final round.
Official merchandise and artwork forthcoming. Once again available will be: stickers, mugs, t-shirts, and commemorative tournament posters.
Tentative Machine List (Free Play & Tournament):
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Fish Tales
- Dr. Dude
- Xs & Os
- Dr. Who
- Laser War
- Hardbody
- Indianapolis 500
- Firepower
- Demolition Man
A Half Decade Under The Influence of Indiana’s Largest Single-Day Pinball Tournament
In 2011, Indianapolis was a pinball wasteland. The only places that still had pinball machines were the seediest, dirtiest bars, fanned out around the edges of town in shanties doubling as watering holes. There, the few remaining relics gathered dust and cigarette ash, most of them in complete disrepair, machines handled as lovingly as the interior design of the musty dives that housed them.
To a group of pinball enthusiasts, it was a depression that needed addressing: Indianapolis deserved a place to play a bunch of functional pinball machines, in a spot that wasn’t necessarily a suitable Hell’s Angels hideout.
But we didn’t have the money to start our own place. And it wasn’t that we really wanted to abandon our careers to pursue it. It was still a hobby, after all. So, how could we make our vision a reality? Well, we did have La Margarita.
Thus the Fountain Square Pinball Classic was born:
“Let’s find as many machines as possible and put them in the restaurant for a day and go wild.”
That was five years ago.
What started out as a selfish pursuit to wrangle as many well-kept pinball machines and drop them in our dining room so we could flip our brains out has evolved into Indiana’s largest single-day pinball party.
Its progress and continued evolution into a more competitive, well-run event is owed to our amazing friends near and far who share our passion for pinball. This year we hope to continue to build on the lessons we’ve learned and the successes we’ve had.
Join us on Saturday, November 12th, at La Margarita in Fountain Square, as we celebrate a half-decade under the influence of Indiana’s largest single-day pinball party.
Official Art